Liquid Courage
Liquid Courage
De La Rosa
Who is De La Rosa?

I'll tell you,names Dennis De La Rosa.I've beenlearning the ropes at Liquid Courage for about 18 months. I will be working full time here starting Sept. 5, 2006,everyday except for Thursdays and Sundays. So stop in and say hey. Most of my art influances have been in comics,but after meeting Devins brother,Ryan. He convinced me to talk to Devin and show him my work. The rest as they say is history. Now I have so many new influences,like Kore Flatmo,but probobly most influenced by Devin and Dave Koenig. So come see me or just come check out my work!
De La Rosa
Tattoo Portfolio Artwork Portfolio
Developed by Anthracite Design
Developed by Anthracite Design Copyright © 2006 Liquid Courage Tattoo